
Resources / Campus Life

19 Questions to Ask at Freshman Orientation

College freshman orientation

Freshman orientation is one of the best ways to get all your questions answered about life at your college or university. Here are some questions to consider asking.

Student Life

  1. Where’s the best place to eat on and off-campus?
  2. How do I request a different roommate assignment?
  3. Where is the best parking?
  4. Can I see the dorm I’ll live in?
  5. What’s included in the meal plan?
  6. Are there any clubs for “x, y, z”?
  7. What safety services are in place?
  8. What health insurance does the health center accept?
  9. What are the latest COVID-19 protocols? Do we have to be vaccinated to be on campus? Are masks required, and if so, where?

Academic Advisor

  1. How can I add/drop classes?
  2. How do I change my major?
  3. What classes do I need to take for my major?
  4. How can I get into the honors college?
  5. How will my AP courses from high school affect my academic plan?
  6. What placement tests do I need to take?
  7. How can I contact my advisor after orientation?


  1. How and when do I pay my tuition?Are there payment plans for tuition?
  2. How do I let my parents access my grades or receive communication from the college?
  3. How can I get credit for studying abroad?
  4. How do I set up or make changes to my campus email account?

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