The Sarah E. Huneycutt Scholarship will be awarded to high school seniors currently attending a Florida high school and have not received a golf scholarship from any college or university. Applicants must have an interest or an association with the game of golf. Applicants must also be of high moral and ethical standards. This scholarship will be awarded for four years. One letter of recommendation from someone other than a relative must be submitted. It is suggested that recommendations be provided by someone who personally knows the applicant through a key life relationship such as their guidance counselor, teacher of an academic subject, employer, or clergy. Please visit the scholarship's website or contact Sisi Hedges for more information.
Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia
American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, African-American/Black, Hispanic, African, Latin American/Caribbean