The Chevron/SWE Scholarship will be awarded to a student studying Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Information Systems and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering. The student's intended school must be HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Institutions) or HSI (Hispanic Serving Institutions). Applicants do not have to be a member of SWE to be eligible for SWE scholarships. SWE considers academic achievements, participation in extracurricular or volunteer activities, and interest in engineering. Those who identify as a woman and pursue an ABET-accredited program may apply for this scholarship. A personal reference and STEM reference are required. The personal reference must be a person who has known the applicant for two or more years and who is not a relative or member of the applicant's family. For the STEM reference, it is highly recommended that the reference be someone in a STEM field who is familiar with the applicant's academic work. The references must submit the recommendation letters by the deadline stated. Please visit the scholarship's website or contact the Society of Women Engineers for more information.